Chapter 12 - Suspending and Resuming Suspend & Resume is extremely important when you need to compress a long movie but cannot afford to have your computer completely occupied for long periods of time. It is also a good way to preview your movie before compression is complete. Movie Cleaner keeps track of where the compression was suspended and lets you resume where you left off. You can even shut down and restart your computer, play back the partially compressed movie, or compress another movie before resuming compression on the suspended movie. Suspend The "Suspend" button in the Movie Cleaner Status toolbar, or "Suspend" in the File menu, will suspend a movie's compression. Clicking this button will interrupt your movie compression, and Movie Cleaner will store all the information necessary to resume the compression later. You can quit Movie Cleaner, turn your computer off, or compress a different movie or group of movies, and still resume the compression you have suspended.   • If your computer is shut down during a running compression without suspending it first, the partially compressed movie will be lost and you will have to restart the compression from the beginning. Movie Cleaner also lets you suspend more than one movie at a time. With two or more movies suspended you can resume compression on whichever you choose. Again, you can exit Movie Cleaner and start it back up between suspending and resuming multiple movie compressions. • You can only have one movie open at a time with Movie Cleaner. If you suspend one movie and want to work with another movie, you must close the first movie prior to opening the second. Resume The "Resume" button in the toolbar resumes compression of a suspended movie. To use the resume function, simply open a source movie or batch that was suspended and click on "Resume." Movie Cleaner picks up where you left off with no loss of audio or video quality.   • It is important to remember that you must open the original source movie that was suspended, not the partially compressed suspended output movie. For example, if you were compressing the movie "Presentation" and suspended it, you would have two movies — the original "Presentation" and a new, partial movie called "Presentation•Susp." To resume compression, you must open "Presentation", not "Presentation•Susp". If you open the •Susp movie, the "Resume" button will not become active. The "Resume" button is inactive if the current movie or batch has not been previously suspended. Changing Settings and Resuming Changing settings in the middle of a movie can cause it to crash when played, especially if you change codecs. If you need to change settings, it is better to restart the compression by pressing the "Compress" button rather than the "Resume" button to avoid this potential problem. Playback During Suspension During the suspension of a movie compression, you may want to view the movie you are compressing. Movie Cleaner lets you do this without affecting your ability to resume movie compression. To view the movie, use the QuickTime controls in the Output Movie window. When you are done viewing your movie, simply hit "Resume."